Thursday, February 12, 2009

February 12, 2009

Over-night we had a terrible wind storm. Our power went out and it made for an interesting night. This morning we did have power back and, as I went about re-setting clocks in the house, it made me think of just how many clocks we do have. So, here's a sampling of some of our clocks:

The kitchen stove was telling us something the very
first thing

Coffee timer needs re-setting, we'll do that later and make coffee

Regulator in our kitchen. It's a thirty day clock that chimes.
This is a thirty day chimer, too. It sits on the mantle.

Just a cute little clock (nothing special, just cute) that sits in the rear entrance hall.
This cuckoo clock drives me absolutely crazy keeping
it regulated. It is soooo tempermental.
Speaking of clocks, the programmable
thermostat has one.
And, how many of us use our trusty cell to
tell us the correct time?
I've shown this one before. It was my parents' and
I'll probably show it again sometime. We wind it every
eight days and it keeps perfect time.
The regulator in the den. This one is easy, we replace
the batteries about every twelve months.
Our screen-saver clock.
And, finally, doesn't everyone have a clock in the
bathroom?That's All, Folks!!!!!