Jeepers, it was a different kind of day for me. I had great plans for this 12 of 12, but.....I got a call first thing that required me to go to work. (Not a really good thing when you're retired, but it's spending money when they call.) Anyway, right after that I headed for a friend's house to help them with a project. That took care of the rest of the morning and still no 12 of 12 pics. Truth be told, I finally grabbed my camera about 3:30 this afternoon and here's the results:
process of refinishing.
spread in the flower beds.
early. I love these hearty little plants.
Sun Face.
name "Mermaid" many years ago and it stuck.
Now we have many, many mermaids. This
one welcomes you to our goldfish pond.
goldfish pond. When we first got her, she rode
home in the front seat of Diane's convertible.
You should have seen the stares Diane
got at stop lights.
bird bath.