It's been a while since I've done a 12 of 12. Chad, you started a good thing and I wanted to do these last couple with and for you. I also want to thank you for the great journey you've allowed us to share.
We've had some strange weather this year in South Carolina. This summer was exceptionally hot. (In July we had eight straight days when the temperature was above 100 degrees.) Our plants suffered tremendously and became unnaturally dormant. Then, when the temps started to get cooler, the plants decided to start doing what a plant should do, only to get bit by unseasonably early cold. Now, in November, we're back to warmer days with temps in the 70's during the day.
Today I'm assisting my wife who is recuperating from foot and ankle surgery so I wasn't able to get far from the house. These shots were taken this afternoon in our neighborhood.
2:45 pm - I stepped out and saw this contrail. Wonder if it's a mysterious missle like the one that's been in the news in the sky off of Los Angeles?
2:48 pm - Hmmm, not as impressive as it was at first hand this sunny afternoon, but that small white spot centered in the picture is the moon rising in the East.
2:50 pm - This Confederate Rose should be fully opened by the first of next week. I was hoping that it would be open to share with you.

2:53 pm - Our crabapple tree is putting on it's colorful autumn show. We've grown this tree from a little shoot so we're proud of it.

3:10 pm - Looking across the cove to the neighbors. The trees in our area are now putting on their fall display. We are blessed to have such beautiful fall colors

3:12 pm - Same cove, different angle.

3:15 pm - This tree is setting in a yard surrounded with cedars. I thought it to be exceptionally pretty against the dark green background.

3:20 om - Little tea roses in one of our neighbors yard. They are never tended, but don't seem to care. They bloom and bloom and bloom!

3:35 pm - This Knockout Rose is one of many our back hedge. Like the tea roses in our neighbor's yard, these are pretty much un-attended, but they
start blooming in the spring and don't let up until after the first really heavy frost.

3:40 pm - One of our river birch trees. When our granddaughter was five or six years old, she would pull the bark off. She thought that she was helping keep things neat.

3:45 pm - Daddy, what are you doing running around in the yard, and when are you gonna let us out of jail?

3:50 pm - Heading into the house. We had this pergola added last year and I recently quit procrastinating and, to my wife's great pleasure, painted it.
I knew it was going to be a chore; I just didn't know how much of a job that chore would be.
Thanks for looking in on us. We'll see you again next month.