Today was a really beautiful day in Ninety Six. Temperatures the last few days have been in the mid 70's to low 80's. "Spring has sprung" and plants are starting to bloom, Thanks for visiting our March, 2009 12 of 12.
Tulip tree, also known as a Japanese Magnolia, in bloom in our back yard. My better half, the Lady Diane, can be seen raking in the distance.
The newest addition to our family came to check out what I was doing.
I don't know the proper name, but, to us, this is a "Red Bud" about to bloom.
Took a walk and the next few pictures are plants that are blooming in the wild near our house. I believe that this is a form of Daffodil.

Absolutely no idea what this is, but it is gorgeous.

Another form of Daffodil, maybe?

Vinca, also known as a Periwinkle.

Scourge of yards, but pretty, is the Dandelion.

And another one that I am unable to identify.

This is tonight's fried chicken thawing out.

After dinner, we took a golf cart ride around the neighbor's pond.

This pine has been hit by lightening and is on the edge of the pond adjacent to the dam.