It's Friday, February 12th and here in South Carolina the forecast this morning was for SNOW!!! Folks, we're in the SOUTH. We aren't supposed to have snow here.
None-the-less, I had business to do. Went to the County Seat to pay property taxes, then went to buy some groceries for the weekend. That's the day I had planned.
10:00 am - Greenwood, SC Courthouse
10:01 am - This truck was parked next to mine. The folks are happy, "Finally married after 28 years."
10:05 am - A holly tree on the Courthouse property
11:45 am - Just finished buying groceries when my daughter called. "Daddy, help, I've got a flat tire." Yep, she did!
3:40 p.m. - At home now and we are starting to get a dusting of snow. We're getting excited here in South Carolina.
5:20 pm - Looking out on our front deck, yep, we've got snow and it's accumulating!!
5:45 pm - Pepper and Sugar have never experienced this, and they're not sure that they want to.
6:00 pm - Before it got too dark, I wanted to take a couple of pictures in the yard. This is the gazebo in our back yard.

6:05 pm - And this is a picture of the front of our house.

7:05 pm - Annie, the curious kitty, decided she'd seen all the snow she wanted and curled up on the couch by the fire to stay warm.

7:08 pm - Sugar's staying warm, and guarding her bone, too.

7:15 pm - Pretty soon my lady and I are gonna settle in front of this fire and we'll stay warm like our pets.

That's it for this February 12 of 12. Not a lot happened to share, but we do get excited here in South Carolina when it snows. Thanks for visiting and now "y'all" go visit some of Chad's other 12 of 12 friends.
We get excited by snow here in Atlanta too. Your pictures were really nice - except for the flat tire - hate it when that happens. Enjoy your fire.
Nice Ed... Very Nice
Great pics!! I love the one of the gazebo. SOOO pretty!!!!
Hi Corky, the house looks really nice with a dusting of snow. And without one, of course.
Make sure you all stay warm!
Ahhh, snow. It's so much fun to see all the snow pics. I don't have any of my own -- we just got rain :(
Stay warm!
Pretty snow. I bet you were surprised. I imagine the critters weren't too excited by it. Mine definitely don't like going out in the snow. Great pix this month, Cork.
Haha! I'm in Augusta and most of my 12 pictures are of snow too. Love it!
Heh, why not get excited and enjoy the snow? You're warm, the pets are warm... and you get to look at everything pretty in white - thanks for sharing that over here! (I've had enough of snow and don't want any more, after we got rid of the last snow).
Hay there < My name is Carrie Im in Troutville VA. I really enjoy looking at your 12's I have followed you from the start, Never posted a commenet But after that Meal you posted of the Fish ,grits and greens. Well I just wanted to ask if ya'll would think of me the next time you eat soooooo well. You've got my mouth waterting 3 states away. JOB well done
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